Solutions Through Prayer
1st Church, Maumee
1st Church, Toledo
2nd Church, Toledo
1st Church, Bellevue
Reading Rooms
Community Care
Christian Science Practitioners
           Of Northwest Ohio
Located in downtown
Toledo, Ohio at
420 Madison Ave.
Suite 630

Most Weekdays
9am.   to   3pm.
Other times by appointment.

          Prayer has been recognized as a critical factor in healing.  For over a century, those who study Christian Science have been practicing healing that blessess mind and body.   This practice is based on the Bible, which records healing throughout by prophets, Christ Jesus, and apostles.   Early Christians were healers.  God has always been and always will be available to every living being as practical, tangible good.

Healing and progress in mind, body,
work, home, and play.

Christian Science Practitioners

          Individuals devoted to helping others through prayer. They are committed students of spirituality in a deeply Christian way.  At Solutions Through Prayer, clients meet with a practitioner in a professional office setting.  Practitioner-client communications are held in strict confidence. A practitioner shares insights to help you pray in a way that increases your spirituality and ability to solve problems.

Ohio Building
420 Madison Avenue  - Suite 630
Toledo, Ohio
419 - 255 - 9358

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Copyright ©2004 L H Services - Revised: May 3, 2014